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Active yoga may help relieve depression symptoms – during pregnancy

Pregnancy causes many transformations that are beyond the physical. Women experience several changes in their emotions and in the state of mind. Some pregnant women have mood swings brought on due to hormonal changes. As these hormone levels rise and fall, moods may vary. Constant feeling of sadness, crying, etc., may be a sign of depression. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy and is related to physical and emotional changes. If you as a new mom-to-be has a family history of depression, then you stand at a very high risk of developing depression during or after pregnancy.

During this tumultuous time, yoga can be a great boon as it helps you connect with your body and breath. Yoga gives you the support that you need in order to learn how to adjust to the changing body. Yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation and mudras can guide you towards a sense of emotional balance, make you feel grounded and keep you calm during pregnancy. Through the following practices, you can strengthen the body and mind preparing you for the process of birth giving.

Stay Active with Yoga Asanas

Make the effort to remain active as this is good for both you and your baby. Yoga builds a bridge of communication with yourself. So, pay attention and listen to your body slowing down whenever and wherever required. By staying physically fit and active, you will keep both the mind and body happy. Stay away from high-impact or strenuous exercise routines.


Begin by standing in Samasthithi. Start with your right leg lifting it off the floor and balance your body weight on your left leg, place your right foot on your lift inner thigh. Place it as close to your pelvis as possible. You may support your foot with your palms to bring it in place. Balance and join your palms in Pranam Mudra at your heart chakra. Focus your gaze forward. Repeat the same with the alternate leg.

Baddha Konasana

Begin by assuming Dandasana. Fold your legs and bring the soles of your feet together. Pull your heels closer to your pelvis. Gently push your knees down. Empty air from your stomach and hold the posture for 15-20 seconds. Repeat 2-3 sets.


Spread your feet wide and toes pointing at an outward angle. Sit into a deep, low squat. Back should be kept straight. Lift your arms up bringing them parallel with your shoulders. Bend them at the elbow and open your palms up to the sky.

Yoni Mudra

Yoni Mudra is one of the most popular yoga mudras that is meant for quieting the mind and promoting inner peace. The meaning of the word yoni in Sanskrit means “womb” or “source.” Mudra means “gesture” or “seal” and is typically used during meditation for healing energy.

Siddhohum Kriya

There are many benefits to this meditation technique. It calms the mind and rejuvenates the body, relieves stress and anxiety. It also balances blood pressure keeping you healthy. Regular practice improves your concentration, and creativity etc. Yoga and spirituality can keep you active, and helps you to remain optimistic. This time of your pregnancy is challenging as it is exciting. Therefore, be more accepting of yourself and practice patience and loving kindness. Take care of your mental health with these different techniques of meditation, and pranayama. Swaas Dhyan or Breath Meditation can be combined with different pranayama exercises such as Anulom Vilom, Brhamari Pranayama, Bhastrika pranayama etc

Aakash Ganga Dhyan

Posture Before you begin the process of Aakash Ganga Dhyan, this meditation technique requires that you practice the following seated postures of Sukhasana, Ardha Padmasana,

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